Category Archives: Events

Interested in attending our next meeting?

Want to find out more about the project? Would you like to get involved? Attend our forthcoming meeting on Thursday 15th October, between 7pm – 9pm held upstairs at the Harlequin pub, Nursery Street, Sheffield. Potential new committee members will be … Continue reading

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Walking the Woodhead

On Saturday the 16th of July, to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the closure of the Woodhead Rail Line, Don Valley Railway are inviting people to join them in walking the line. We plan to walk from Deepcar to a … Continue reading

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Guide Bridge Event

This Thursday the group will be taking a trip over the Pennines to attend the Rail Campaigner’s Summit at Guide Bridge Theatre. We’ll be there along with representations from campaigns from Reddish North Station and Denton Station, as well as … Continue reading

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